CO2 as a climate driver is dead & man-made global warming is dead. Despite more than 30 years & trillions wasted, & tens of thousands of careers & reputations destroyed, the climate continues as it always has. A complete gobal catastrophy caused by underserved faith in experts pic.twitter.com/5ERdiignck
— Robert Fagan (@fagandr1) March 23, 2024
Arctic sea ice extent in nearly identical to this date in 1996. #ClimateScam https://t.co/UHonCY9iJb pic.twitter.com/mLV87mGBCR
— Tony Heller (@TonyClimate) March 24, 2024
Although we can’t test future climate model predictions we can look back at past ones. For example the UK Met Office predicted a 7% decline in summer rainfall in the 2020s and thus far there has been a 10% increase. #climatehttps://t.co/Tfvw1K5xwz
— Dr. Matthew M. Wielicki (@MatthewWielicki) February 12, 2023
How Earth and humanity are actually prospering.
At the 48th annual Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Council, CO2 Coalition’s Executive Director Gregory Wrightstone, author of “Inconvenient Facts: The Science That Al Gore Doesn’t Want You to Know” explains how Earth and humanity are actually prospering.
The sea level in Oslo, Norway has been steadily dropping for a century due to glacial rebound. However, the IPCC assumes that this ground motion will stop and the seas will start to rise because that fits the narrative. Pure unsubstantiated fear-mongering. #climate pic.twitter.com/xiUB3wy8XS
— Dr. Matthew M. Wielicki (@MatthewWielicki) February 8, 2023
The world is constantly finding ways to produce more and more #food on the same (or less) available land.
— GK Chesterton Tweets (@GilbertCTweets) February 13, 2023
The (ahem) #ClimateCrisis IS NOT adversely affecting crop yields. pic.twitter.com/6gFfqCbPCK
Love this one!
These nutters formulates a mathematical model to determine the best type of dust particle and its distribution before settling on lunar dust. Their experiments aim for a 1.8% attenuation of the Sun’s heat, about six days per year of an “unobscured Sun.”
It is estimated that about 54 million metric tons of the dust can be aimed directly into our orbit to a specific point where it will remain the longest and, in turn, help offset warming. The shield would only need to be “recharged,” so to speak, every few days. And with that, the team has also suggested a solution taken right out of a sci-fi movie: a Moon canon.
Scientists propose lunar dust shot out of Moon canons to save Earth from its climate crisis https://t.co/MP015qtrAA
— TAXI (@designtaxi) February 13, 2023
It’s all BS
Whenever I see one of these monstrosities, it always brings me back to the absolute parody of a nation we've become.
— Dane (@UltraDane) April 15, 2024
This particular two-megawatt windmill is made up of 260 tons of steel which required 300 tons of iron ore & 170 tons of coking coal, all mined, transported and… pic.twitter.com/hPbQtLJ92V